Recapturing bases


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
- We lose a base
- There's a grace period where the enemy is wrecking the terraformer. Maybe a week.
- We can enter the region which has been lost, but suffer from some sort of penalty, like reduced shields, movement, jets, etc.
- We can retake a base

This would let us recapture terrain without needing to found a new base and completely terraform a region from scratch. Success would mean a lower costs for rehabilitating the base/zone.

Make it hard.
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I like this idea maybe some would be a lot shorter time than 1 week that all depends on the kaiju tier in question and the structure captured.

Also taking into account newer players they would eventually have to experience this perhaps with a warning alert from their omniframe saying you are entering a higher tier zone.
Likes: Mahdi
Aug 14, 2016
New players would be told where DMZs and low risk areas are. Command and others would likely give them jobs in this areas and might warn them that they might need a team if they go outside of those areas. The reason why those area are safe zones or lower risk areas can vary from the fact that is a natural fortress/stronghold (like mountain passes and cave systems) to fact there could be some wildlife the kaiju tend to avoid for reasons (like how humans and other animals will tend to avoid an area if there is a high risk of infection. And humans could be immune to thing that make kaiju sick.)

As you get better at the game Command will ask harder jobs of you and send you out to into more dangerous places. Higher teir players would act as vanguards clearing a path while midtier players act as backup and build temporary camps. New and low tier players could help too, they might not be asked to fight but they could be on support by gathering as much resources as they can to help build up the camps and resupply the front lines to make sure they don't run our of ammo or something. This why even people who are nowhere near the fighting can still help in taking over or taking back an area just by sharing/donating resources they have to Command.

But that is just one of many different ways thing could work in a game.