Our T.H.M.P.R. Acting Like a Squad-Mate


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I agree with your second point as well.
Thumping is going to be a critical role, and my reasoning is to stop thumper spamming nodes.
If your not skilled enough to defend your Mek, why get the choice to just stick it where you please, and let other's take care of it.
There's going to be conflicts if someone else pulls your Mek early, and you had the skill to keep it going for a longer period.
The other side is, if it's not your Mek.
I'm the boss of this group, and I choose when to stop.
Or, I got to go, so I'm stopping this now, cya.
If we don't put any skill or responsibility into dropping Mek's, it's going to be a runaway resource gathering, with mindless and senseless hoarding of resources just for the elite, getting all the cream spots.
It's going to be a very delicate balance on the lore.
Also I'm thinking to put a 30 min cooldown on the Mek as well, if you lose it.
The reason anyone within the squad should have permission to send it back is cause some trolls would purposely not help, and impede the helping of the owner so they can get a expensive THMPR killed. Some may even drop their own THMPRs nearby then send them back so that there is a larger wave of enemies going after the guy.

If the owner of the THMPR goes down and no one else can send it back and it does not get sent back and gets destroyed guess what? Everyone is going to start blaming each other and being mean to each other cause someone was too focused on killing mobs to help make sure the THMPR can be sent back. This will turn the community toxic.

And given the way things will probably be like Firefall when it comes to the THMPR, when its destroyed its destroyed. You better have crafted a backup THMPR, or buy one of the small stock ones that NPCs sell. So everyone in a squad better be able to send it back. So that it can be saved in the event the owner goes down. There wont be a "redeploy" timer.

Oh and, we will probably just like in Firefall have wandering randomized resource nodes. So the elite wont be able to mindless and senselessly hoard resource "cream" spots. Its going to be first come first served and who has the most people out exploring for nodes.
Oh, oh!! What if everyone in same group has right to "command" MEK, but leader have higher priority for it. So everyone can give commands to MEK, but only until leader decides to give his commands to it. So if group "tacticians" will misunderstand each other or whatever other reason, leader can put his dot in dispute.

And also MEK will fulill commands of everyone in same group right after it recieves comm without finishing its current com, (except if its leader`s command), but when leader commands (since higher command priority) it will abandon any other player orders and start to fulfill leader command and ignore any other commands (except leader itself) until this command complete.
Im still thinking this will do best with thumping. Here we have both troll protection (exception, if leader himself is trolling) and free space for other players to command same MEK.
Likes: NitroMidgets


Jul 29, 2016
Good points all round.
Well it's going to be interesting what Grummz comes up with.
I guess we'll have to wait for the demo to decide what rules are imposed, and how we can break/manipulate those rules for testing, of course..:cool:
Oh and, we will probably just like in Firefall have wandering randomized resource nodes. So the elite wont be able to mindless and senselessly hoard resource "cream" spots. Its going to be first come first served and who has the most people out exploring for nodes.
There were no random Spots in FF, you know? I was Thumping all the time on the 20-30% iron spot with some other ppl at the north-east watchtower north of copa XD

And that with the elitist won't be a problem...
I get my AoE build, round up some other DMGers, Healers, and a Tank and then we're going on node hunt xD Oh wait, but first let me start something from mayhem in the background :3. You can bet that there won't be any "cream-pods" left after we raped them 10 times each :) (the spots... not they player or MEK-As xD)