On Weak and Strong Points


Jul 26, 2016
In most shoooter games, there are spots on a model that deal more damage when struck by a weapon (eg. headshots) Obviously that's going to be a big thing in Em8er. But what if, in addition to weak spots, there were strong spots?

I men, shooting an arm or a leg shouldn't cause as mch damage as hitting the chest or back.

As an aside, I think the tentacles on the tsi-hu wold make an excellent weak spot.
Aug 14, 2016
As a person who likes to play as assassins and snipers in games, I love being able to do one hit kills on enemies because I'm able to hit weak points to shut down and/or destroy vital organs. But I also know a fair bit about biology and know that when it comes to fighting some things in games going for a head shot is not going to kill it.

This is because in real life some lifeforms have more than one brain and some lifeforms have more than one heart. And so because of this in real life just because you remove the head off of something doesn't mean the body just stops moving and stop attacking. There are a number of things that can live for a long time without a head and still try to avoid getting hurt as well as fight back. And likewise just because a head was removed from a body doesn't mean that head is dead and will stop attacking. And this is not even talking about things that have the ability to regenerate.

I'm all for having to research the biology of the enemies in the game. Having to do scans on them, recovering bodies after each battle to do autopsies, doing research and development on new weapons (including toxins), and building up a data base of all the enemies we come across and listing all their strengths and weaknesses. Listing their strengths is also good because real fighters know how to using an enemy's own strengths against them.

After all, knowledge is power. And knowing that this enemy has a deathly allergic reaction to thorium. Well guess what I'm going to coat one my daggers and some of my bullets with to kill them in one hit as long as can hit one as long as I can get enough of it into their circulatory system.