March 31, 2021: Impromptu Chief Chat Notes - "Prepare for muscle and make it double! Pex & Abby!"

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Omni Ace
Staff member
Community Manager
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast

Main Points
Next Chief Chat on Tuesday, April 6th, at 11:00 am Pacific time!
New demo next week!
► Aiming for regular Chief Chats on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 am Pacific Time.
► New skin also dropping on APRIL 15TH!
► Releasing new material for the 3D Bunny skin!

► The gift for anyone purchasing a Newcomer pack, or upgrading an existing one, where backers get immediate access to the developer builds and receive the most popular skin, “Abby” (October 2019 Female Skin) and the male version, “Pex”(September 2019 Male Skin), ENDS THURSDAY, APRIL 15TH!

► Chapter 8 of the Gatestriders novel has been released for Patrons subscribers!

► The Gatestriders novel chapters 1-7 are now revised and
FREE for everyone!
^ Log into your account and find it in the
Downloads section at
^ Please share your feedback on the Novel for chapters 1-7 here:

General Points
► The Dev Team is working towards a T.H.M.P.R. encounter!
► Aiming for weekly Twitch stream updates, and more regular updates for YouTube and Twitter, starting up Instagram, and debating about creating a Facebook presence.
► Tuning weapons, camera, and sizes of models in the build.
^ Plasma Cannon won’t be as OP.
► AMD 6800XT has been obtained! Now we can test Em-8er on advanced AMD hardware!
^ Now can implement fidelity FX for Em-8er test builds!
► Announcement for Abby Fan art contest will be announced next week during chief chat!
► 3D Bunny dance animations video ready! (update coming on the bunny skin from the comments about it)
► Looking into animating main logo for the game, may also have sound effects!
^ Talking to one of the original Firefall developers who is a graphics designer.
► Discord’s new clubhouse like feature (called Stages) is being looked into.
► Considering finished novel for a Kickstarter reward tier.
► Grummz will be reading chapters of the Gatestriders' novel more often.

Fun Stuff!
► Grummz stays hydrated confirmed!

"I’ll say it with confidence! Yes we will be looking at implementing fidelity fx into future builds of Em-8er, and I totally know what I’m talking about." ~ Grummz

Thanks to
► Nethril for all his hard work for editing and revising chapters 1-7 on the Gatestriders’ novel! ~ Grummz
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