[LATEST] Hundreds of Tsi-Hu attack!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
I'd like a "mute in background" option, so I can more easily watch the stream.

I still want to be able to shoot while gliding. Or at least let me shoot and have it drop me out of flight.

The retacle change between the plasma and assault rifle isn't obvious enough for me.
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Mar 31, 2021
Missiles are missing splash damage compared to previous builds. Having a player (or more) on top leads to interesting things: jumping/flying is blocked, Walking is difficult and very jittery, shooting is maintained, but sliding is unavailable. The sound made when hitting something while flying is sometimes present esp when attempting to go up slopes.

The reticle seems to not match up on the Assault rifle where the focus of the bullets are ( in 3rd person) at times esp when a lot is going on- though that may be due to 20 fps drops when multiple missiles are used by players or enemies spawn suddenly all around.

Deepstrike is not deepstrike-y enough. Damage is good ( could be more if done in high groups i suppose?), just want more deepstrike in the deepstrike.


Jul 26, 2016
I'm now more acclimated to the new plasma cannon and I like that I'm now mixing a few Plasma shots to deal AoE and Fire my Assault Rifle while the Plasma Cannon Recharges.

I feel like I hit more shots with the Assault Rifle and shooting overall feels easy which is nice
-DLSS settings are working properly

-An audio indicator for when you run out of Plasma Energy would be nice
-The Tsi-Hu sometimes Ignore players right next to them and keep running.
-where are the tsi-hu gun shots?
-When I'm a bit far from the Tsi-Hu though I still see them and shooting the plasma cannon and the projectile is visualy hitting the Tsi-Hu but not damage is being registered. An example is me standing on the green coral and shooting a Tsi-Hu on the ground right below.

Great Job to the Dev Team!


Collective Report:

1. Footstep sounds is still off-center in 1st person camera.

2. Underwater blood effects from shooting the ground disappears after changing graphics settings.

3. Sometimes when double tapping "Fire" with the assault rifle the gun jams itself and no longer shoots until mouse button is released and clicked again.

4. When toggling from 1st person to 3rd person during side-strafe while weapon is drawn, the OmniFrame's strafe-animation is double until the weapon is holstered.

5. Sometimes Tsi-Hu spawns ontop of large plant structures making an AFK-break impossible.

6. Most trees have no hitbox and can be walked straight through.

6b. Some plants are still not showing until you're right on top of them, namely the clover-like plants and those who look like brown oysters (the same ones that's in the ocean except those on land isn't affected by draw distance)

7. Deepstriking during flight is not possible (may not be a bug).

8. Overthrust during flight is not possible (may not be a bug).

9. "Scanning" has no animation in 1st person.

10. Placing a thumper is jittery at some locations, on some hills for example you got to have pixel-level accuracy to hit the green spot.

11. The "Assault Rifle" feels like it's intended for shotgun range. Going full-auto I may hit 10 out of the 30 rounds that's in the clip, the jitteryness of number "12" just below contributes to aiming difficulties.

12. The mouse sensitivity slider is insanely large, it goes from 0 to 5 where anything above 1.5 is off the charts, not only that but the higher you go the more accuracy is lost... Setting the slider to 2.0 the crosshair skips like 50 pixels every frame.

13. Moving "Forward" in 3rd person camera moves the Offset Y-Axis position to default, and slides back to the set position when standing still. (I'd like to have a Z-Axis too) This doesn't happen while strafing or moving backwards.

14. Setting "Overall Quality" to LOW doesn't change any settings unless I pick MEDIUM or HIGH first, only after picking something else does all settings change to LOW as a group/collective change.

14b. Changing any individual setting from EPIC to LOW does not change the "Overall Quality" from EPIC to CUSTOM, not only that but it doesn't register any actual change to the game. It only works if you've already managed to get it changed once, restarting the game with all settings applied in EPIC reproduces this issue.

15. Decreasing 1st person FOV entirely degrades the image quality drastically.
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Omni Ace
Sep 23, 2018
11. The "Assault Rifle" feels like it's intended for shotgun range. Going full-auto I may hit 10 out of the 30 rounds that's in the clip, the jitteryness of number "12" just below contributes to aiming difficulties.
0. Definitely agree with this point and I want to add the assault rifle sounds weak. It has no depth, though this should be a gun the size of a human.

1. The missiles let you lock onto targets that are too far to hit if you're flying away from them.

2. Tsi-Hu can stay "looking for player" even though you're actively shooting them at point blank range.

3. I feel the assault rifle would be better if you could go into a stationary fire mode, where you plant your feet, shift the shields forward, and just start unloading with great accuracy gains. Without it, accuracy is waaaaay low.

That's all for now.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I think the tsihu are getting smarter but what if they could do this.

E.g. In warframe the infested have a hive mind and if one spots they make some noises and alert the others. However they only trace you back to your lost spot unless someone else spots you and it repeats.

That would mean even if the spotter was taken out and they would of made a sound alerting the rest to your last known position.

One issue is if you keep your distance it is easy so i'd suggest a few specialized long range tsihu with heavy shots.

The colour is good but what about if certain tsihu have different ranks and that could reflect on the type of squad


Squad leader would have this but the higher the rank the symbol changes slightly this is Squad 1 the standard S1 all the way to S5 which is more of an elite death squad.


Another thing in metal gear solid there is different alert states and range the enemy detects you.
What if you could have symbols instead of writing e.g

Eye symbol for when you are spotted

Investigation where you were last spotted or fired a weapon

Hunt symbol when chased and enemy in pursuit

Shifter symbol alert increased and some tsihu do short teleports

Patrol wandering symbol

Guard symbol to protect gate or another tsihu

Retreat/escape symbol

Cover symbol they can take peek a boo shots too
While playing I opened the inventory and was clicking around to see if anything would happen, I was unable to close the inventory.

I then had to force close the game and start it up again when I tried to log in I was given an error saying the users could not be found I then restarted the game again and was able to log in fine.

This issue has happen 2 times so far.
Aug 14, 2020
United Kingdom
Hi guys, I haven’t played in a few builds now so sorry if any of this is already known. I also took some screenshots but quickly realised they don't help much in showing the issue. I'll try and take some video next time.


Bug 1:
When air dashing and clipping terrain or geometry, the player state gets stuck in a loop between flying and falling. This triggers the relevant sound effects multiple times a second and the player loses control until they are grounded again.

Yes, easily

Possible cause:
If sounds are trigger by animation, the cause could be within the animation BP state machine transition rules.

Bug 2:
“Enemy Lock” UI component gets stuck sometimes if line of sight is broken between then player and a Grappler. This persists after the Grappler is killed and new lock-ons do not reset the component.

Unable to replicate

Possible Cause:
I’m not sure how the UI widget is being signalled to display the component but considering it does not reset when new lock-ons do not reset it, it may have something to do with receiving a signal from the enemy AI to turn off.

Bug 3:
Getting pulled down to the ground by a Grappler should normally kill the player. If the Grappler is killed during the grapple, it’s possible to become stuck in the sliding state. The audio repeatedly plays and the player gains unusual sideways and backwards movement. During the stress test Chief Chat on 22/04/2021
I’m on Grummz’s screen at 02:19:39 walking sideways and backwards but the animations are not bugged on his client.

Unable to replicate, some dev options like invulnerability might aid replicating the bug again.

Possible Cause:
While grappled on the ground, the player enters the sliding state before being pulled in and killed. It’s possible that when the Grappler is killed before killing the player, there is no logic in place to return the player back to normal

Bug 4:
After playing for a while enemies do not leave the Patrolling state no matter where you are in relation to them. Dying fixes the issue (although you need to wait for another rift to spawn and have that kill you).

Yes, but inconsistant

Possible Cause:
Unsure, I’ve yet to touch complex AI in my studies.


Air dash controls are not ideal. When trying to do precise movements, tapping the movement keys is needed on Keyboard due to no analogue input. However, tapping the keys causes an air dash to happen. This makes making player towers surprisingly frustrating! Having the air dash tied to another key would greatly improve the players control over the character.

When hovering by tapping the spacebar, the sound plays over and over. It’s quite loud and distracting. While in the air, a quieter thruster sound could be used for whenever the space bar is pressed again.


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I think the tsihu are getting smarter but what if they could do this.

E.g. In warframe the infested have a hive mind and if one spots they make some noises and alert the others. However they only trace you back to your lost spot unless someone else spots you and it repeats.

That would mean even if the spotter was taken out and they would of made a sound alerting the rest to your last known position.

One issue is if you keep your distance it is easy so i'd suggest a few specialized long range tsihu with heavy shots.

The colour is good but what about if certain tsihu have different ranks and that could reflect on the type of squad


Squad leader would have this but the higher the rank the symbol changes slightly this is Squad 1 the standard S1 all the way to S5 which is more of an elite death squad.
View attachment 4482

View attachment 4483

Another thing in metal gear solid there is different alert states and range the enemy detects you.
What if you could have symbols instead of writing e.g

Eye symbol for when you are spotted
View attachment 4470

Investigation where you were last spotted or fired a weapon
View attachment 4471

Hunt symbol when chased and enemy in pursuit
View attachment 4472

Shifter symbol alert increased and some tsihu do short teleports
View attachment 4473

Patrol wandering symbol
View attachment 4474

Guard symbol to protect gate or another tsihu
View attachment 4475

Retreat/escape symbol
View attachment 4477

Cover symbol they can take peek a boo shots too
View attachment 4478
Perhaps a specific sensor array vs another to show this vs something else? IE player picks what they gain and by that choice what they lose.
Likes: Pandagnome
Jul 29, 2016
Alright this is my first time commenting like this on the forums so bear with me.
First off good work on giving us something that spawns shoots and dies.
What I'm noticing is throughout the whole gameplay you touch the camera very little, and that's what i feel is missing to add a bit of flare to the movement and having seen the stream I noticed there was apparently issues with the dash on Q being "too slow" to me it feels like it's way too fast, it feels slow, sluggish, but it crosses a giant distance with relatively high speed, I'd say trim at least the distance down, tone down the animation cause it's blinding, and interpolate the fov over like 0.2s by 20 then slowly simulate slowing down by interpolating it back to normal over like 0.7-1s, I feel like the distance travelled or speed just isn't quite relayed cause of the perspective and the animation, by the time the animation is done you're already slowing down or moving at a constant higher speed, and it feels like you're doing more slowing down than speeding up.

Next up would be the gliding, I'm not a big fan of camera shake, but a bit of a tremble when you do big turns at high velocities could do wonders(like give a feeling of the Gs you're fighting when you do the turn) as well as perhaps increasing the fov a bit again, simply to give a higher feeling of speed.

I am by no means a professional, but I definitely feel like a bit more camerawork would really perk those effects up, the only visual effect i have a problem with is the Q overdrive effect it just feels blinding maybe reduce the size of the effect or the opacity idk I'm just putting it out there.


Omni Ace
May 3, 2020
… You know what time it is.
(im still sorry in advance)

-With enough power from plasma, or missiles and a good enough group of Tsi-Hu it’s possible to still launch them up high in the air.

-Not sure if its the speed of the current Overthrust state causing this, but if you use Overthrust and before you get out of range of the Tsi-Hu and use missiles (while your still in the effects of going up super fast with Overthrust) and shoot your missiles before you stop climbing up, your missiles will continue to go upwards isntead of down towards the Tsi-Hu until you start to fall down after loosing momentum from the Overthrust

>Shooting The Tsi-Hu gives a response of either finding cover, or going for the player which is great! Though shooting near them, either the rocks or ground and missing them they don't respond
(yes It's pretty small and not a big deal but figured it was worth mentioning)

>Assuming I'm right here, the "leader/general" of the squad (one with the lil red fire particle above his head)
when he dies, if he is moving at the time. the particle remains after death and if the leader/general Tsi-Hu moves in a direction, the particle above his head moves in the same direction until his body has disappeared
^This also happens with the action plates in general for the non-general Tsi-Hu

-Tsi-Hu Behaviors
<>noted to make sure all behaviors are performing properly, and each is being used (hopefully it helps!)
-Spreading out
-Out of bounds
-Finding Player
-Finding player position
-Finding cover
-Finding Firing position

-=One Time Things that I can’t recreate=-
-when I placed a T.H.M.P.R a stampede of about 3-5 squads running towards me when the T.H.M.P.R was being picked up, It managed to "move" the T.H.M.P.R
[I only say move, due to the weird movement, for it to snap back in its original place]

-Final Thoughts
-I miss my Thicc Tsi-Hu Bois ;w; I await their return
-I miss my voices and T.H.M.P.R laughter filling the air ;w;

Also, How dare you make a demo that even I have a hard time breaking.
and I cant >:C

Hecking Dev Team killed it with this demo, from the tiny itty bitty bugs, to the AI in the Tsi-Hu They were really fun to kill!

And of course thanks to everyone that kept me company while playing in the demo <3

Discord Tag if you need me to clarify anything
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Perhaps a specific sensor array vs another to show this vs something else? IE player picks what they gain and by that choice what they lose.
That would be really good especially for sneaky game play and what we want to prioritize hmm

Q being "too slow" to me it feels like it's way too fast, it feels slow, sluggish, but it crosses a giant distance with relatively high speed, I'd say trim at least the distance down
How about if we have 2 types of Q
Q1 is the short super boost but uses bursts of energy
Q2 the standard one we have releases the energy gradually but its slower and gives the longer distance

Q1 would remain faster and have quicker reload than Q2
Q2 would be slightly slower but have better efficiency and slightly longer reload than Q1

To activate Q1 you press it as normal
To activate Q2 button could be held down until Q2 boost icon appears with a blip sound then release button and it works.

Next up would be the gliding, I'm not a big fan of camera shake, but a bit of a tremble when you do big turns at high velocities could do wonders(like give a feeling of the Gs you're fighting when you do the turn)
The shaking makes me want to shake to stop the shaking, I like the little triangle on either side that points down it always helps me. What could be good is if the little triangles turn red for immediate action otherwise the shaking doesnt stop or glider just stops.

I think a little tremble on turns could be a nice thing and also think that sounds could be a little different even in different weather conditions.

The warning sound could also be good against pilot gliding collision warning

If the sound cue is annoying that could be turned off in the menu.

With enough power from plasma, or missiles and a good enough group of Tsi-Hu it’s possible to still launch them up high in the air.
Have notice them fly in the air i wonder how good it would be to bash with a vehicle with the help of someone shooting could they go into space or further in the sea?

>Assuming I'm right here, the "leader/general" of the squad (one with the lil red fire particle above his head)
when he dies, if he is moving at the time. the particle remains after death and if the leader/general Tsi-Hu moves in a direction, the particle above his head moves in the same direction until his body has disappeared
^This also happens with the action plates in general for the non-general Tsi-Hu
I had a thought when the leader is eliminated the little red fire particle orbs could it just zoom up in the sky as if its soul has escaped to return back in another body. Some kind of astral projection carrying its energy signature back to the electrical storm or somewhere in space or even to the nearest portal!!!


Planks are great but what about crouching!
Likes: Wyntyr
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