Introduction Thread

Jul 26, 2016
Massachusetts, USA
Iz me JOJOMCGEE or you can just call me Tyler. I'm 16 and from the east coast of the US and still wanna know what the Meka's legs look like

Found firefall on an ad on YouTube and became a founder back in 2012 pretty good stuff then. I'm an up and coming concept artist, emphasis on the up and coming, and like to dabble in 3D modelling and coding


Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Brisbane, Australia
G'day, I'm kristakis (from Australia, obviously :D)

I got into Firefall in the closed beta and it was unlike any game I'd seen before. The crafting was balls out amazing and I finally found a game that could keep me interested. Siha and I spent hours reverse engineering it and we even made a fansite to help others.

But there were some problems - key mechanisms like trading and durability were missing and ultimately this caused the existing features to be simultaneously unnecessary and manditory. There are 5 things an online game needs to have in place and working and Firefall managed to have only 3 at a time. Which 3 would change from update to update but only ever 3. Now I doubt the game has even 1 of those things but whatever.

So Ember comes along and there's the possibility it'll be at least partially like the old Firefall beta. I have my doubts that the amazing crafting will return but I can only hope, throw money at it and cross my fingers. So I will stick around here and give my opinion on crafting to whomever will listen, and a lot that won't, at least unil No Man's Sky comes along and then you'll never hear from me again :rolleyes:

Edit: HS it's been almost 3 years since I wrote that! Have only played 130 hours of NMS. Haven't gotten an invite for this game yet, how's it going?
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Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Hi everyone! Molli here.

I found Firefall back in 2014 I guess, so I don't have the history of many of you, but I fell in love with the combat and the jetpacks and the community. I have played mostly MMOs in my "gaming career", but Firefall was the only one I ever didn't mind playing "alone", since there were always so many great people on to group with. Up until things went bad with 1.6 Firefall was my fantasy home.

I'm holding out great hopes for Ember.


New Member
Jul 27, 2016
Hey, just another average 20 year old student from Pakistan (though I've yet to actually come across another pakistani in a mmo o.o ).

Wasn't a founder but I played Firefall since CBT. It's the only MMO that actually sucked me in after WoW. I haven't been able to spend whole days playing a MMO like I used to with Firefall (and I've tried quite a few). Loved the combat but the crafting even more. When crafting was completely changed and ruined after release, I just started playing less and less. Haven't touched it in months, maybe a year. Nowadays I either play LoL or the random singleplayer game (nowadays its Witcher 3).

Seeing the energy here and the passion that Mark has, I'm starting to feel excited again like I used to before.
Likes: engjang

Dr Doom

New Member
Jul 27, 2016
Hello everyone. My name is my own business, sorry about that, but I had bad experience with sharing that and got burned, never since then will repeat that. You all can call me the salty doom bringer Dr. Doom. Yes, I came from Firefall with same name on those forums as here. Somehow this character (Dr Doom) characterise my own personality. I tend not to hide my feelings, if I see blue stuff I say blue and won't change it to another colour just to be nice, i.e., I speak what is in my mind and care the consequences later. I know that is not good, but that is who I am. As somebody said, different people different personality's.
My time? Well I tend to invest at least 6h /day to learn modelling in 3D, at the moment I am working on a personal project that is made out "on spot" without any kind of sketches or blueprints. Every day I start the software my project suffer changes, something new, something more interesting. As for games, well, since Firefall died out.. I'm a wondering soul.. testing this, testing that... so far nothing interesting that might have had catch my attention. I miss the old Firefall... I was more a thumper person. Searched all maps "special" spots where I could have thrown down my squad 3 thumper and have fun with the chosens (mostly they had fun with me, but this is how the game is). I don't like PvP, never had liked pvp in any game because I am not good at it and I can't take up with 100000000 beatenings and 0 victory. I like to play to the story, perhaps to enter in a character position and play a RPG character (which would be fun to have in this game... perhaps a future army where players stick to the RPG characters each having a background and sticking to that background; more detail if players will be interested).

Well, I guess with this I have somehow told who I am and have shown how bad my English is (now the trolls can troll about how I write/speak.. I have given them a subject to debate).
Nice to see familiar faces around here, hope that we will delete our negative side from the other game and start as fresh in a fresh game and became a great community.

"Always think positively to build something good"!


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 26, 2016
Baal Secundus
I guess i'll have to introduce myself then.

Alix here, but i'd prefer you forget my real name and call me terib, or terib.x since my brother (actual brother) terib.dark might join soon. I'm french, but that's only where i come from. I am a space marine of the blood angels' chapter, member of the sanguinary guard. Don't be mistaken by my profile picture, it's just really hard to find a good blood angel one ( fixed that now ). I along with my battle brother PoliceTrooper will control the heresy around this forum as i've stated before.

Member of firefall since mid-beta, when it was in all it's glory. Played ever since, buying the digital deluxe pack. Was worth it.
Former bastion expert, thumping addict, turned into an ability oriented tigerclaw once the 1.6 hit. I miss the old Aero's voice, new one made me want to destroy her with my entire arsenal, from my bolter to my flamer. Hearing her voice made me almost unable to control my black rage.

I will support ember and buy the founder pack if there is one.
Just like I have supported my chapter through the recent battles.

There is only the emperor, he is our shield and protector!
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Jul 27, 2016
hi everyone!
real name is alex, 21, and... for now thats pretty much it.... not really a chatty guy.
i guess i can call myself a firefall veteran, playing since closed beta when we had just a small area around copa to explore, used ValdioS as a nickname both ingame and on the forums, picked this new name as a reminder of both ares operatives and my favorite battleframe the A-43 Firecat
im here because i dont know what else to do without firefall but to hope that ember grows and that it will have a community just as nice as firefall did, or even better
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Likes: MollilMayhem


Omniframe Inventor
Jul 26, 2016
Vilento here. 32 male. Gamer, obviously. I work in IT in the automotive industry and spend most of my days browsing forums. Also love ice hockey, go wings!
Likes: Fooni


Death Reaper
Jul 26, 2016
Hi there. Firefall longtermer.
Hope to be friends with all of you.

Well done Mark. Keep this a passion, and I'll stay for the ride.


Jul 26, 2016
Hello all.. Perry here but u can call me MrDarq or just Darq... I am an OG gamer and FF Founder from back in the Closed Beta days. Just saying Hey!. Nice to see some familiar names out here. :cool:
Jul 26, 2016
Firefall War survivor and Veteran.
Long time WoW player.
Grew up on Doom and C&C Retaliation.
Still game like a monster...

Work a dead end job and two others but I still find my time to goof off in whatever game seems fun. I play for fun and not to compete. I will find my time to spew my ideas forth here and of course, don't forget to vote.



Omni Ace
Base Commander
Jul 27, 2016
Hello, Commander Nubilus here.

I've been a longterm FF player since Closed Beta, had my own Army, held back the Chosen in dozens with my Bastion frame while my squad secured objectives.

I'm 18 years old and from Germany. I stopped playing because of other commitments, but came back now and then to see what changed.

Now I am observing what Ember may become.
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