Idea: Nerf as Buff


Jul 26, 2016
In advanced crafting mode, it is ideal to have both high and low quality mats as you need to nerf some stats if you want to buff others. We know this. But what if nerfing some stats actually gave you an advantage?

Perfect example: in Warframe, there was a sniper rifle that only held one shot at a time. While that technically was a disadvantage, it paired perfectly with a weapon perk that made the first shot in every magazine do more damage. In Em8er, you could do something similar where, in addition to nerfing the mag size to increase damage, you had a similar weapon perk.
Aug 14, 2016
I think I touched on this before here and there about how I would like to see different systems work with each other and can overlap with other things to make do stuff they wouldn't be able to do otherwise.

For example if there are different types of thrusters in the game. If I want to make super fast burst speed frame I would give it thrusters that had max out top speed and acceleration even at the cost of generating more heat and having less fuel economy. On it's own it might not be much, sure my frame is super fast but it can't travel far and it overheats fast. But what if added a specialized heat sink to frame that can absorb a large amount of heat and eject it somewhere? Ok, that solves the over heating thing but it still doesn't do much. Now what if there are some weapons in the game that do more damage as they heat up or are able to recharge faster based on heat? Well, then now we are talking about interplay. Because what if I could connect my heat sink to my weapon directly put the heat into the weapon or I just hold my weapon near the vents to absorb heat that way?

People who have things like an engineering mindset or the mindset to use everything they can to not waste things do this type of stuff all the time in real life. Think of things like how a lower horse power car can still move faster and carry more mass than a higher horse power car because the lower powered one has more torque with tires that have a bit more grip. Or think about how some cars used the act of breaking as one of the ways reclaim some energy to recharge the battery. You get the idea. We do things like this all the time in real life. Because of you know the dynamics of the thing you are working with you can often find ways to turn a weakness or a quark into a strength if you use it right.