HOME Station - How should it look? How demanding? Development and performance-wise.

I started playing a game called The Ascent. While the gameplay is nothing really new or spectacular, the developers REALLY went mental with the HUB of the game. It's very cyberpunk, meaning both the game and the genre (well, duh). Not much to do, other than run around, open crates and talk to people for lore and side missions, shop for gear. Then again, Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't offer any more, either, despite how VAST the game-world is, which is its most impressive part, for both games, IMHO. Also, people seem to like leaving crates out on the open streets with all sort of stuff inside, including cloths (and even guns, in Cyberpunk 2077), which is weird. Em-8er won't need that, though.

TheAscent-Win64-Shipping 2021-09-02 10-57-02-302v2.jpg TheAscent-Win64-Shipping 2021-09-02 10-57-28-527v2.jpg TheAscent-Win64-Shipping 2021-09-02 11-03-15-379v2.jpg

Running around the main hub of the game instantly reminded me of the description of Home, in the Gatestrider novel. Densely or haphazardly placed buildings, in a neon and holographic jungle, with both English and Japanese texts. In The Ascent, the place is described as an arcology and Home is essentially a space-arcology. In The Ascent there is perhaps more room than what the developers had in mind for Home, but the aesthetics are basically how I imagine it. The heavy glare in the second picture was only showing at certain angles, but I took the screenshot deliberately when it was the strongest, cause I like that bleeding of light. I can be annoying and hurts the eyes, but it's perfect for the setting. :p

So, I don't know how demanding it would be for the developers to create something like the above for a full 3D environment and how big the file-sizes would be. Don't know if Unreal 5 makes that easier or not.

Is it possible to have us run around in first or third-person, down on the planet, as we normally would, then, when we'd return to the main hub, it would suddenly switch to a perspective like the above? Not saying that could/should be in Em-8er or if it would even be welcome, I'm just curious if it's even possible.


The reason I hope they make MOAR games like this, with the overhead perspective (and in The Ascent the camera sometimes changes, zooms out and lowers, depending on where you are, which looks cool), is because, in my own layman understanding of game-design, it's less demanding on hardware and they can really go mental with the size and detail of the game-world, models and environment. Of course, there are games like the last three Assassin's Creed titles and Horizon: Zero Dawn, where the world is unbelievably huge, the graphics are great and my system can still easily run it, but I do believe, without any actual knowledge of the process, that there is a LOT of potential, in even just 2D side-scrollers, or 2.5D, 3D side-scrollers, Souls-like side-scrollers (like Salt and Sanctuary, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Ghost 1.0, Dex...etc.), because they could pack so much into it, without bloating the Gigabytes.
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
cause I like that bleeding of light. I can be annoying and hurts the eyes, but it's perfect for the setting. :p
It is sure a pain in the eyes but i like the look just wont be looking at it for too long!

Is it possible to have us run around in first or third-person, down on the planet, as we normally would, the, when we'd return to the main hub, it would suddenly switch to a perspective like the above? Not saying that could/should be in Em-8er or if it would even be welcome, I'm just curious if its even possible.
I think that would be very cool if that is possible :cool:
Some more examples, this time, from Mass Effect 3. Now...here, we have perhaps less open spaces, walkways...etc. than in The Ascent.

MassEffect3 2021-08-26 12-56-07-v2.jpg MassEffect3 2021-08-26 12-56-12-497v2.jpg MassEffect3 2021-08-26 12-56-18-768v2.jpg

Should HOME station be somewhere between the two or should the buildings be even more tightly packed, the streets narrower, but more bustling? With gangs of gutter punks, maybe? No homeless. They take care of everyone, but perhaps rebellious youth could still live away from their homes, clans and family. Maybe there could even be characters from more prominent Houses, who'd be "run-aways", who live apart to have less rules to live by and less expectations to live up to.

And should the look of HOME be also between the clean(er), high-tech, high-class environment of Mass Effect or the more industrial, shabby warrens of The Ascent?

Should there be class differences? Upper layers of society vs. lower? Should that be reflected in how the different districts, wards, tiers of HOME would look? To also reflect the different style of appearances people could have. The Gatestriders were described as a rugged bunch, to begin with. Or should there be a largely uniform techno-punk aesthetic to everything (and everyone, but with more than enough distinction between personalities, in case of people)?

Likes: Pandagnome
@Grummz @Ronyn

I'm watching a video right now, about how Bioware plans to switch from Frostbite to Unreal 5, for Mass effect 4, because, apparently, it's a lot easier to animate stuff, like, facial expressions and things. Hopefully it's easier to render environments, too, if rendering and animation are even done with the same...software. I...suspect...not? I dunno. Hope this works well for EM-8ER, also.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
should the look of HOME be also between the clean(er), high-tech, high-class environment of Mass Effect or the more industrial, shabby warrens of The Ascent?
Maybe some are cleaner hightech looking and others more industiral then again,
Could there be somewhere inbetween those 2 options and with parts organic plant life in certain parts?

Should there be class differences? Upper layers of society vs. lower? Should that be reflected in how the different districts, wards, tiers of HOME would look?
The class linked to their jobs and what kind of homes they like however the jobs doesn't mean you have to move away from that area it just could mean that you have more options for the home style and what kind of home you would prefer in the area of choice.

- C0 class are usually living in underground, tunnels, concealed areas they do the odd jobs some involving in blackmarket, bounty hunters, etc and in more riskier parts of the region.


- C1 class are your working citizen of Em8er they do work such as bar work, dancing, sales rep, taxi driver, pet store assistant etc
They usually live near the busy life at the heart of the busy home like a city.


- C2 class are your mid class some have a home that is away from the hectic life for them to clear their heads. Their jobs they tend to be more specialized such as Engineers, Race event coach, G-suit specialist etc

Their homes are perhaps at higher altitudes compared to the lower grounds to see the great view others may be located near the outskirts not directly within the heart of the crowded scene.

- C3 class are your upper class they tend to have jobs that are even more advanced/specialized such as Reaper combat Doctor, Master Reaper crafter, Guardian battle Reapers, Reaper GCSF lead Detective,

Their homes tend to be further away in various settings some may like the blend of nature and futuristic tech of their home, others may prefer the old fashioned lower tech style reminisce of what they loved before the upgrades.

Likes: MattHunX