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Tsi-Hu Hunter
Aug 5, 2016
I hope the9 dont do anything tho I doubt it. Cause as much as I want ember to succeed, part of me always wants firefall to succeed too. That's why I wish one day not far from today Mark buys the firefall ip and does that one too the right way. That would be enough to have an imperium like Blizzard or Epic. Those two games in your belt? that's something amazing to have. But, we have to succeed with pushing ember out the door. Maybe when he makes enough money with it we can buy firefall from the Chinese and make it the right way.


Max Kahuna
Max Kahina
Jul 26, 2016
I dont know what's going on or what they are doing. But, it looks like this people might be bringing back firefall.

This is pure gold. It can only be good for Em-8ER, and there should be little The9 can do about it. They (whoever they are) are not bringing back Firefall. It's a Firefall fansite.

The linked website said:
The project's main goals are:

The collection and preservation of Firefall related content, be that game builds, concept art, fan art.

The reverse engineering and documentation of the games assets and protocols.

The development of a server emulator

A friendly place to hang out and reminisce over what was.