Concerns About UE4


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Aug 5, 2016
I was one of the ones that was exited about using UE4 and still I'm. But, after playing "Squad" for a while now I'm a bit concern about open world on that engine. Seams that every UE game suffers from almost the same problems no matter the version of the engine. Horrible Anti Aliasing, poor long distance view, and a lot of popping textures. I hope Em-8er doesn't have this problems and by the looks on the first demo distance feels very nice. But, I can't really tell cause there is no vegetation yet. When there is vegetation or rocks laying around that's when you start noticing the bad Anti aliasing on the leafs for example and all those other problems like texture popping as you get further or closer and such. Please mark keep your eyes open for this kinds of problems. Might not be the engine's fault and could be that some of those developers don't really know how to utilize the engine.