
  1. JonathanDavidBullock

    Professional Voice Talent - Portfolio Submission for Consideration

    Hey there Em-8er (Ember) Team! I have been a professional voice talent for over 7 years. I've worked in various aspects of the voiceover industry: from Video Games and Animation, to Commercial and Promo. I've honed my craft alongside various voice talent such as Lucien Dodge and other longtime...
  2. Vedemin

    Laura Post - a perfect Aero styled character

    Hello everyone! I think we all loved Aero from 1.3, that voice we missed when 1.6 came out. She isn't happy about Red5, why not hire her? She was a perfect Aero, the best voice for person like her. It looks like we'll get a person like Aero, please hire Laura for her :) So, the question to...