
  1. Faeryl

    Introducing , the October 2022 Em-8ER Patron Skin...

    Happy Thursday Gatestriders!! You have wanted something cute and fuzzy to squeeze and call your own to collect with your other plushies. But have you ever thought about what they may look like down on the planet and how big they really are? That's right, it's an Emberdon Mount folks! Here's...
  2. Y

    My thoughts on Mounts

    Firstly I will say I wouldn't mind it if we were able to collectively pull resources into animal taming so that we could use a select few of the wild life at the upper end of winning the war as battle ready pets which can help players who may want to go solo. 1. Mounts initially had me forget...
  3. Pandagnome

    More mounts/pets thoughts?

    mounts in em8er!.... what other types of mounts could we see or think up of? Here is some that i like in my mind: GekoRoo + Jumps a lot and clings on walls its a mount for real adventure! Hover turtle - It is simply a turtle with hover ability and plays it safe can sometime poke its head...