Search results

  1. Estender

    Unofficial Vehicle Request Thread

    Robots are expensive, so probably not everyone is equipped with one. Tracked and wheeled vehicles, on the other hand, are cheap, reliable, stable (same accuracy during a sustained fire), have a low profile, and can carry veeery big weapons (tracks/wheels instead of legs). Omni-mechs are more...
  2. Estender

    Info help request for a returning follower.

    quoting from indiegogo "$60,000 - Full Playable Mockup This is it, we fund fully and don't have to do any more milestones. We create the playable mockup THMPR encounter. Call down a THMPR mining mech and defend it from waves of attacking Tsi-Hu shapeshifting between humanoid and beast modes...
  3. Estender

    Info help request for a returning follower.

    1 yes 2 At indiegogo we fund a demo and a proof of concept, basically. If we can fund everything right now then no more milestones is required. 3 Planet by default is inhospitable, so it requires terraforming. Think of melding zones from FF. It's either (a) or (b) a) Base is captured and got...
  4. Estender

    PDF Game Vision Book Next Week - Sneak Peak Next Fundraiser

    GeForce 630 will probably run Ember, me speculates (since the game is not made yet). Time will tell should we worry or not.
  5. Estender

    So... Anthem

    I am really intrigued to hear your opinion. To me personally, it just looks like the old beta™ Firefall (dat storm duh). The question what was bothering me the whole video... how much of what is shown here gonna make it to release?
  6. Estender

    PDF Game Vision Book Next Week - Sneak Peak Next Fundraiser

    Hey Potato NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti user here. If you can run Paragon, or Unreal Tournament, then you are fine. Unreal engine is not the most demanding one.
  7. Estender

    Alien Naming Contest Winners!

    l cannot believe i made it to the top 10, thank you guys and gals, i really appreciate it. ;)
  8. Estender

    Another community night is planned but we need a game!

    Not enough blood for the bloodgod? take a look at this.. Its work by the way, using it myself.
  9. Estender

    What games you feels the should play while making Ember?

    Earth Defence Force 4.1 Why? Because this Actually everyone should try it. Why? Because EDF.
  10. Estender

    Don't nationalize this game

    So this.. this.. and this.. in the same universe? All i can say is... I want to see that.
  11. Estender

    Firefall army

    Count me in. An army that dominates the system, from firefall. almost feels like a migration to me
  12. Estender

    Introduction Thread

    Estender, aka Marcuzzz, aka "A guy who has not paid a penny to blizzard and proud of it" I was a FF beta tester since medic "removal", and to be honest i liked this version the most. After "launch" i was returned to quake live, from there i actually come from, and some there around 1.3 i decide...
  13. Estender

    Test Post!

    :eek: test