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  1. Estender

    Fatigue for this Genre before Em8er is released?

    Some food for thought. Not very relevant, but still.
  2. Estender

    Friday Update - Omniframe FINISHED

    *Dawn of War 3 flashbacks* needs... more... SCRATCHES On a more serious note. I think there is too much shades of white and light-grey used for "metallic" parts, one would do the job better. Also the reflections look weird on shoulders, engines, and the "metallic" parts, very plastic looking.
  3. Estender

    Saturday Update - Omniframe, Characters, Scale Test

    Since then Overwatch started to monopolize the butts department? What's right, it never didn't.
  4. Estender

    Friday UPDATE - Geesuits and characters

    Beautiful women are a bad thing? Again?
  5. Estender

    [SUGGESTION] Taking inspiration from Armored Core

    I think the phrase "sometimes even beyond what players can accomplish" meant that if, say, player is low on resources to improve his weapon, but has some cash, he can try his luck on one of those npcs to do it for him, with the 50% limit of course, because the first sentence is: "Players who do...
  6. Estender

    [SUGGESTION] Taking inspiration from Armored Core

    Quoting from V.B. "Unlocking Tiers There is no leveling in Em-8ER. Instead, advancement is more about giving the player options than huge power increases. You can develop your Omniframe’s abilities, weapons and armor as you progress both individually and as you help advance the world state...
  7. Estender

    [SUGGESTION] Taking inspiration from Armored Core

    'tis true, the vision the book shows this quite clearly. Yet i haven't seen any evidence of such chief chat he was talking about, curious.
  8. Estender

    [SUGGESTION] Taking inspiration from Armored Core

    Devtracker says otherwise.
  9. Estender

    New Warframe Trailer - What Em-8ER is and is not.

    Cell shading is a rendering technique. Art style is a different thing, about which i was saying earlier. Games there models are less detailed for the sake of said art style are, of course, tend to run better on older PCs.
  10. Estender

    New Warframe Trailer - What Em-8ER is and is not.

    Unintended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Game not gonna be like crysis and filled with pc melting effects anyway, as Grummz said: still stylized but more realistic.
  11. Estender

    New Warframe Trailer - What Em-8ER is and is not.

    "There isn't a hard-coded limit to the number of players. The player count achievable with good performance is a function of the complexity of your player meshes and animation graphs, level collision, AI, and network bandwidth available." - from your link. IIRC first map is gonna be around 6-8...
  12. Estender

    Instance debate

    So how are you gonna instance a wargame?
  13. Estender

    Scout and Above Backers: Your PDF and EXE are ready

    No, sorry, i meant it's an issue on their side, nothing we can do on ours, just wait a bit, lets hope for a fix.
  14. Estender

    Scout and Above Backers: Your PDF and EXE are ready

    I think it's an issue with dropbox, hence i needed a different browser to just load the page with PDF properly.
  15. Estender

    Scout and Above Backers: Your PDF and EXE are ready

    It worked for me and some other people, i used ctrl+c ctrl+v to paste it, if that helps.
  16. Estender

    Let's Take a Look at.. The Gameplay Environment! Part 2-Amazon & Sargasso

    I see, but still i bet you'd have been give it a better score if it was completed and polished.
  17. Estender

    Let's Take a Look at.. The Gameplay Environment! Part 2-Amazon & Sargasso

    Sargasso: 6 3 5 2 (all in red) Amazon: 9 9 10 9.5 (all in green) I smell bias. I think you didn't gave Sargasso a fair shot, because area never been fully developed, and then removed "for redesign". It's like comparing Early-Access title to a released one.
  18. Estender

    Preparation (couldn't think of a better title)

    Ember weapon handling = FireFall weapon handling = Quake 3 weapon handling. Your answer is on the far right.