What about this weapon? - part 2


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Aug 17, 2020
A few years ago some weapon concepts were presented, but it seems (I may be wrong) only the Stardyne ST-11 Assault Rifle and the Tessara Rifle were added to the store for sale, or as rewards for subs.
I can't find the original forum post with the original images, so I extracted them from a video that I have saved here on my PC, and since there's no information about those weapons, I would like to ask what you guys think these weapons will be like.

And here is the second weapon:


This one I find particularly interesting because it's clearly a revolver handgun, but with a huge cylinder. And there's no indication of a caliber, so it might be for something like a shotgun round or even those 40mm grenade projectiles.

What do you think?

Part 1: https://forums.em8er.com/threads/what-about-this-weapon-part-1.2358/
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I think its a heavy pistol that could fire multi injector darts or canisters.
It could have a boom shot charge when the cylinder spins at high speed creating a mini kinetic vortex and unleashes a blasts out causing certain opponents to go off balance, even blown several feet away.
Likes: farias


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Aug 17, 2020
It could have a boom shot charge when the cylinder spins at high speed creating a mini kinetic vortex and unleashes a blasts out causing certain opponents to go off balance, even blown several feet away.
Could work like the secondary fire mode of some Warframe weapons, that each successful hit with the primary shots builds up a charge, and when is fully charged you can use the secondary fire to unleash a powerful shot with a different effect.
Likes: Pandagnome