Please keep your forum signatures toned down


Max Kahuna
Max Kahuna
Forum Tech
Jul 26, 2016
I'm sure many of you have noticed we have here this nice feature Firefall and many other forums have disabled > Signatures. Content appended to your every post. They have no rules as of now, you can place there text, links, images whatever you want.

However and I'd like to stress this out, If all members here know how to utilize this feature properly without being disruptive, maybe we can keep this feature enabled. But if it's abused, used for marketing purposes and inappropriate large content that is distracting and disrupting to conversation, you can be sure it will be eventually disabled, permanently.

For example: If you have information about yourself, please weight if it's worth having it appended to every single post of yours.
What you can do instead: Post info about yourself in the about box, you can then put just a link inside signature to your about page, like > about me

I don't want to write down rules or anything (and I'm not in the position to do so), just appeal to your common sense when making your signature. Ask yourself, if I have 5 posts on a single page, isn't my repeating signature getting in the way of important content?

Thank you o/


Active Member
Jul 26, 2016
Signatures in fact make forums more attractive. It is kinda addicting to see which sorts of art people apply every now and then; promoting the will to read each and every post in my opinion.

As long as forum users have the option to enable/disable signatures, they are not a problem. Although having them disabled by default may reduce discomfort to some.
Jul 26, 2016
just instill rules to force people to have ones that are not ridiculous. maximum number of lines, maximum number of pictures, maximum number of URL's, Et Cetera.

do Spoilers work in Signatures? probably, right? people that are competent enough to moderate themselves could put their giant spam stuff inside a Spoiler.

i like my Signature on every Forum, and i'll be pretty disappointed if people that have no self control because they grew up under a rock will ruin a pretty useful feature because well, they have no self control.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2016
Yeah it gets tiring seeing signatures take up like six times the absurd standard. But I still like sigs. The other thing I hate is when the separator bar between the post and the sig isn't visible enough so you end up reading the sig accidentally if you're just skimming things :/
Likes: taiiat


Kaiju Slayer
Jul 27, 2016
Is min ok? Someone on discord pointed me out that mine was a tad to big, so I reduced the vertical size by half.

And yes, i planned to change it after a while (i don't approve every *bleep* xD )

Ps: this thread should be a sticky
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