Weapon Suggestion Thread


Aug 20, 2016
The weapon is not from FireFall, but from Defiance.
Anyway, i loved it, so here is a picture with a description.

A heavy energy weapon with high capacity magazine (70-120 shots) and long reload (3-4sec), firing 4 shot bursts.
Each shot within the burst fires 5 projectiles at once.

While firing from the hip, it is basically a 4 shot burst Shotgun.
While aiming down sights, the projectile spread is massively reduced, allowing accurate fire up to medium and high ranges, making the weapon basically a burst MG.
The weapon does not suffer from increasing dispersion while firing.

The recoil is medium, but the weapon is recentered so fast (within a burst), that the recoil is not noticeable while firing normally.
However, if the rate of fire is considerably buffed by abilities/perk procs, the recoil (within a burst) becomes somewhat hard to control.

In the case of this weapon, accuracy is completely based on the projectiles spreading around the middle of the reticle, meaning that all projectiles will always land within the borders of the reticle.
(unlike on some shotguns in Planetside, where the pellet spread is calculated around an imaginary "master shell", allowing pellets to hit outside of the aiming circle)

The critical multiplier is very low (compared to other weapons), but the base damage is high, making the weapon really strong against "non crit" enemies.


The gun barrel is basically triangular (1part of the barrel at the top and 2 at the bottom).
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Jul 26, 2016
Seville, Southern Spain
Cerebral Bore!

Description: It was a ball with a drill in it and when launched it would seek out an enemy and latch onto their skull drilling out their brain.

I know it's not a FireFall weapon but I have no idea how many tons of grey matter I've drilled (pun intended :)) when using it and how satisfying it was earing that nice drilling sound , my god the eternal evil laughs of mine were great. If some similar in concept weapon were ever created for Em-8er I know it'd be my main weapon!!!

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Likes: ddrfr33k
Jul 26, 2016
did anyone mention the grenade launcher? You could make that really interesting. its main fire shot one, three, or four grenades that detonated on impact, or you could even mod it so that it detonated in midair and dropped dozens of miniature explosives, and alt fire launched a timed explosive. In em8er, you could make it so that it shoots different types of grenades depending on the module. That'd be cool.
like this?

I loved this game so much. Everyone plays on the same level, it's only the crafting and your skills that sets you apart. So sad that the Loadout died. Playing the game didn't raise you vertically but instead gave you points to use to unlock stuff in the crafting menu which did not just give you a +1 or +2 in stats but changed how a part works in a gun. Module based crafting done extremely well. Everything was module based. Even the ammo could be altered!

It's still F2P and apparently 127 players still play this arena shooter! Which is sad since it was so much higher way back when.

commercial success it wasn't sadly.

Then they added vertical progression and things went downhill. Things just got worse and worse...
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Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Aug 29, 2016
Not an FF weapon but we've already broken the rules a few times in this thread so WHY NOT?

The one,

The only:


The XVL 1456 Tau Cannon is an experimental energy weapon developed by the Black Mesa Research Facility, using electromagnetism to propel Tau particles at enemies. Running on depleted Uranium 235 (and three AA batteries?) it is one of the deadliest weapons in Half-Life, but requires skill in timing, aiming and ammo conservation to use effectively.

The Tau cannon has two fire modes: the standard fire is a rapid-fire semi-auto shot that deals moderate amounts of damage for a high cost of the energy. While weak, it's capable of quickly taking out even armored opponents very quickly in this mode. The alternate fire charges the weapon's capacitors, storing more energy than the standard fire but with a significantly increased damage output, making it capable of one-shotting vehicles such as attack helicopters.

The longer the alt fire is held down, the greater the damage until the weapon is fully charged. Upon release it pierces through enemies and terrain, creating an explosive burst of Tau particles on the other side when doing so. If the energy is not released in time the weapon will overcharge, killing or significantly wounding the user and anything around them (obviously not allied players and such, that's an open opportunity for griefing). According to the Combine OverWiki (here) the recoil from fully charged shots was used in multiplayer deathmatch games in a way similar to rocket jumping.

A demonstration:

I love the idea of experimental weapons and the Tau cannon has some really cool mechanics behind it. There's a lot that would need to be changed, especially the visual style of the weapon, but it would be perfect for the module system with possible attributes like increased charge rate, increased charge duration (charge for longer periods for more damage), lower energy costs, etc.

If a player is being swarmed by enemies a fully charged shot the recoil could be used while jumping to knock the player back from enemies, while piercing through the horde dealing moderate splash damage as the particles build up and burst through their thick hide. At distance, it's precision accurate but with a narrow cone of fire, and takes up large amounts of energy, quickly draining reserves. It's reliable as both a primary and secondary weapon, a great pick for snipers or heavy demolitions. Due to its status as an energy weapon it could optionally run off of an Omniframe's own power reserves after expending its own, increasing ability cooldown times or disabling jets if overused. Special restrictions for Light, Medium and Heavy Omniframes could take shape from this in the event of an emergency, allowing for some attack power if all other weapons are depleted, while individual power cores would prevent Light Omniframes from going to town with a high-damage superweapon. The Tau Cannon is a high-skill, high-reward type of weapon and I think it would be a great addition to Em-8ER.
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Likes: SomeUnregPunk


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
Why not weaponizing sound waves? 150 decibels is enough to rupture your eardrums at normal atmospheric pressures. Surely some tsi-hu are sensitive to loud sounds that at best, disorient them or at worst, outright kill them.

They have many names in the media: sound wave guns, sonic blasters, thunder cannons, ear rapists and sound bursts.

They could be also mounted on large mobile platforms.

Or just strap a bunch of them to form feedback loops that can reach 120 dB

It's possible to turn them into crowd control equipment for the omniframe.

Basically, RIP headphone users minus the headphones.
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Jul 27, 2016
Why not weaponizing sound waves? 150 decibels is enough to rupture your eardrums at normal atmospheric pressures. Surely some tsi-hu are sensitive to loud sounds that at best, disorient them or at worst, outright kill them.

They have many names in the media: sound wave guns, sonic blasters, thunder cannons, ear rapists and sound bursts.

They could be also mounted on large mobile platforms.

Or just strap a bunch of them to form feedback loops that can reach 120 dB

It's possible to turn them into crowd control equipment for the omniframe.

Basically, RIP headphone users minus the headphones.
Likes: Degiance
Aug 14, 2016
Because I'm going to focus my mecha on high speed and melee. I wouldn't mind having the option to throw away weapons after I'm done using them make my mecha lighter and faster (this is an option in some of the mecha games I played). So I can go into battle with a lot of cheep 1 time use weapons on my mecha and just drop them after I use them.

With that in mind I would go in with things like Metal Storm Guns on the outer shell of my frame. This like this on the shoulders, arms, and legs.

Also, on a related topic what about illegal weapons? I know this a sci-fi game and all, but you can still a lot about a people just based on what weapons they use and weapons they refuse to use. The idea of illegal weapons in the game would add to the lore of the game, if not to some of the plot, on top of giving players options to use in battle (as long as they don't mind being hated some of the human NPCs who don't like weapons of that type).
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Likes: Drakin5
Dec 15, 2016
Well, what are you waiting for? Start culturing Botulinum and dump it off on the nearest kaiju home world.
Dec 27, 2016
I'd like to have at least one weapon 'rewarding but difficult to tame'.

The railgun. First pull of the trigger starts charging the weapon. Second pull releases the shot. Max. charge time (for max dmg) is 2 seconds, weapon fires automatically when full charge is reached (that's the interesting part). It's a variation from FF charge rifle but this one requires some more 'getting used to'. Contrary to the CR, spamming low charge shots should not make you achieve the weapon highest dps (full DPS would come from hitting full shots every 2 seconds, because of how the curve DPS = f (charge) would be, that is, exponential).

I dislike camping. This gun would have pin-point accuracy but wouldn't have a scope. It's not a sniper rifle replacement. Why bother with the charge mechanic then, isn't it better to simply use a sniper rifle? Because of the considerably higher dmg per round when full/highly charged, and also because of the ability to retain pin-point accuracy w.o having to zoom in scope.
Aug 14, 2016
One of the questions I have is why are thinking in terms of weapons a human can hold? We do have giant mecha in the game too. And with that in mind where is my charged particle beam cannon? I wanted something like the weapon this t-rax zoid has.

Unrelated but still cool
Life Size Gundam Unicorn 1:1 Statue Destroy Mode Transformation - DiverCity Tokyo Japan 2017
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Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I'd like an energy siphon weapon perhaps dual energy whips that if proc'd when attacking can have a % chance to gain energy towards an energy whirl wind blast that stuns small groups making the enemy vulnerable for a short time


Jan 30, 2017
Tampa, FL
I want to play Recluse in AM8ER basically lol except it will be a lot better. I want the same arc projectile with the aoe on impact that lasts a couple seconds. yay Recluse.