Recent content by RickR

  1. RickR

    Let's Design a wad (embed picture is somehow broken idk why) Let's Design a Doom 2 level. Since I'm in some sort of artblocked or something. I wanna play a little game. I'm taking request from everyone in this forum. This is vanilla setting ( not hexen nor UMDF format ). Finished level...
  2. RickR

    ....AAAND Now there's a Thermal Channel on youtube.

    most probably they're messing around with the latest CAT phone
  3. RickR

    Ember Reaches 20k Funding - New Poster Revealed

    can I s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ save this picture and upload it in my facebook? will give a credit of course.
  4. RickR

    What song are you listening right now?

  5. RickR

    Post your music folder.

    Hey, Chimera's not that bad.
  6. RickR

    SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

  7. RickR

    Post your music folder.

    tittle is quite self explanatory. I just wondered you guys' music taste. these are mine.
  8. RickR

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    Not playing games atm and I shouldn't be here because I got a Doom 2 wad to finished. But once in a week I'm playing entropia universe.
  9. RickR

    Ban the person above you.

    ^banned because I wanted to
  10. RickR

    Corrupt a wish

    you fell of Rainbow road and there's no respawn since you said "real life" I wish for a real life Mai (refer to my forum avatar)
  11. RickR

    Corrupt a wish

    The game was leaked and the dev CEO hunting you down for playing leaked game I wish I am Doomguy
  12. RickR

    Ban the person above you.

    ↑ Banned because I claimed myself Deus Ex Machina Gabe Newell.
  13. RickR

    What got me interested in FF

    Seen an ad on youtube somewhere 3 years ago. Gotta say, Firefall is beyond my expectation back then. For me, it has a Japanese game design philosophy; Hard but beginner friendly. I wasn't need to ask people how to do this and that.
  14. RickR

    Old Firefall players, please respond!

    Used to be called KingHarkinian. Reporting to duty, sir.