Recent content by mematron

  1. mematron

    Character Sheet

    Integument on STEAM
  2. mematron

    Send us your firefall footage!

    Firefall fighting the Brontodon King Firefall - Multiple Chosen incursion at Stronghold Base THUMPING, the right way in Firefall Firefall: Blockade and camp takedown in the Amazon Welcome to Firefall
  3. mematron

    Character Sheet

    Many Bothans died to bring us this character sheet.
  4. mematron

    Visual Futurist

    The first 3 pictures are of creatures that live on your skin. But don't worry, they are only dangerous to each other. I just had a baby so I'm on a break but here's the webtoon featuring them in proper context. It's based on an idea I had when I was 17 years old - 1987...
  5. mematron

    Visual Futurist

    If you are looking for someone with original ideas, more than just technique to work on your project, shoot me a line. Let's make something original together and change the world! I'm an experimental artist that combines science and art to create new images of what is and could be. My work has...
  6. mematron

    Alien Naming Contest ROUND 3!

    I think all the name choices blow and I mean that in a goat way - baaaaaaaaaaah! Yes, I could do better ;) Biaches
  7. mematron

    Yo Momma......... Jokes

    Yo mama is so dumb that she told me to meet her at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk.
  8. mematron

    Yo Momma......... Jokes

    Yo mama is so fat, that she fell in love and broke it.
  9. mematron

    Yo Momma......... Jokes

    Yo mama's so fat, I had to take 2 trains and bus just get on her good side.
  10. mematron

    Yo Momma......... Jokes

    Yo mama's so dumb. She got a job climbing trees so that she could become Branch Manager.
  11. mematron

    Mematron's art: other fan creations ;)

    Your sentiment is what happens when creatives meet non-creatives. I think you're in the wrong thread and for that matter the wrong site for someone with such a narrow view towards art.
  12. mematron

    Mematron's art: other fan creations ;)

    I'm an artist. We're all sensitive. That's how we're able to create. You know how The Flash has the Speed Force? Artists are tapped into the Creation Force. That kind of connection opens your mind to everything. Human language can't fully express what I'm referring to. But that's O.K...
  13. mematron

    Mematron's art: other fan creations ;)

    Thanks, it's from a comic ;)
  14. mematron

    Mematron's art: other fan creations ;)

    I just have one question for you....... EXPLOSIONS?! This experimental art style was necessary so that you can't tell whats real and what's not. Technically it's a combination of props, drawing, and CGI. Since no one had done it before I have no reference to help me out. I'm glad my work...