Don't notice me senpai


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2018
I disagree with this legalese:
If you post work or ideas related to Em-8ER, you are granting Crixa Labs the right to use it as public material, without any expectation of compensation or credit.
I understand "ideas", but there's no way I'd allow grant the right to use my "work".

If I write some text, it's mine. If I narrate it, my voice and the narrated piece are mine.

I want the ability to share ideas without giving my hard learned and wielded abilities.

This has specifically prevented me from authoring content for years.

I may or may not have created something which I definitely couldn't talk about if I had and wouldn't grant any rights to anyone if I did. As an unrelated aside, I hear Alphabet Inc. has a video sharing website.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
This was from another forum and thought it was mentioned well and applies here too i think.

On the one hand:

Copyright is the automatic right of the creator from the point that the first 'recorded' the work in a tangible manner. In this case, from the point you type it in on the keyboard. So this would mean that as the 'creator' of the post, you are the copyright owner.


In posting on the forum, you will have accepted the terms that this type of publication implies. In posting you are accepting that your content will be published by the site owner, and also that the site owner has the right to edit or delete your post as he sees fit.

In short my understanding is that while you are the copyright owner, by posting on the forum you have already given the site owner permission to use your work.

Also there is information on this in Em8er's Terms & rules too


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 29, 2016
Zone of Bones, Australia
I think the more telling section is in the terms and conditions as Pandagnome linked. I wouldn't think Ronyn's post itself is enforceable, but it is covered under:
"You are granting us a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to any ideas, suggestions, documents, designs, artwork and other Content you submit to these forums for use with the Ember video-game and Crixa Tabletop game."

I suspect, though I'm no legal expert, that this only applies to content posted to the forum or uploaded to their server, not content hosted elsewhere and linked here. It wouldn't make sense if I linked to an image on Twitter and that then allowed them to use that post irrevocably in marketing material.

Being said, if you drew a cool design and they slapped the logo on it, made a skin and sold it, T&Cs wouldn't be protection against an angry community. Best bet, share content from elsewhere. Your own website preferably.

It should be noted that this "legalese" isn't new. Read the Twitter TOS under "Your Rights and Grant of Rights in the Content". It's functionally the same.


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I disagree with this legalese:

I understand "ideas", but there's no way I'd allow grant the right to use my "work".

If I write some text, it's mine. If I narrate it, my voice and the narrated piece are mine.

I want the ability to share ideas without giving my hard learned and wielded abilities.

This has specifically prevented me from authoring content for years.

I may or may not have created something which I definitely couldn't talk about if I had and wouldn't grant any rights to anyone if I did. As an unrelated aside, I hear Alphabet Inc. has a video sharing website.
Catching up on some reading I


Apr 30, 2018
They probably won't enforce those rules, but it's good to prepare for if they might by not posting anything you'd like to keep rights to. These kinds of "we can do anything with your content" clauses are extremely common.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
They probably won't enforce those rules, but it's good to prepare for if they might by not posting anything you'd like to keep rights to. These kinds of "we can do anything with your content" clauses are extremely common.
As @liandri mentioned could share the content from elsewhere, or use own website is a good idea too.