Armor, shielding and protection


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
What kind of methods could we defend ourselves E.g.

- Defense Weapon systems that home into incoming large projectiles at range.
- Adaptable Armor that absorbs % of certain dmg and changes after a cool down to the device switching to prioritize another dmg.
- Shock-wave repulser tech to push objects away before getting piled upon a huge avalanche, mobs etc
- Shielding physical heavy plated held covering 180 degrees to energy dome shields fully encapsulating.
- Stealth not really protection, though can help to avoid dmg such as change colour patterns resembling the environment to reduce enemy detection range or to become invisible with cloaking tech.
- Deployable cover e.g.
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Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
My question is because we are a space faring race in this game, have we mastered artificial gravity? And if so, how small can me make artificial gravity generators? I ask this because going by the level of control of the artificial gravity field you could just make shots curve around to miss you. Or you could make the shots orbit you making the enemy's own shots against you into a shield. And/or you can even counterattack by using gravitational slingshot to make shots move around fly back at the enemy with more force than what was aimed at you.

Because my personality I don't like to block. Even in real life fights I rarely block at all. I ether avoid the damage all together or I use the force of the enemy's attack to fuel my counterattack. So walking around with a lot of armor and shields is just not my thing. But if I could make enemy attacks bend around me while also use their own attack against them. Well, that is the path I'm going to take.

Even if It means I'll have to make and control a lot of tiny bouncy energy force fields to get the same effect. Because I can and will bounce an attack back and forth between 2 or more force fields change it's path and to build up more energy for my counter.

In one MMO I played over 30 years where was an attack that players could pass back and forth to each other over and over again with each pass adding more speed and damage to the attack. You need both timing and good teamwork to get the full effect of the ability. But if done right it did massive amounts of damage, even to bosses. When someone asked or yelled something about tennis in chat, it what that team combo attack they was talking about.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
My question is because we are a space faring race in this game, have we mastered artificial gravity? And if so, how small can me make artificial gravity generators? I ask this because going by the level of control of the artificial gravity field you could just make shots curve around to miss you. Or you could make the shots orbit you making the enemy's own shots against you into a shield. And/or you can even counterattack by using gravitational slingshot to make shots move around fly back at the enemy with more force than what was aimed at you.

Because my personality I don't like to block. Even in real life fights I rarely block at all. I ether avoid the damage all together or I use the force of the enemy's attack to fuel my counterattack. So walking around with a lot of armor and shields is just not my thing. But if I could make enemy attacks bend around me while also use their own attack against them. Well, that is the path I'm going to take.

Even if It means I'll have to make and control a lot of tiny bouncy energy force fields to get the same effect. Because I can and will bounce an attack back and forth between 2 or more force fields change it's path and to build up more energy for my counter.

In one MMO I played over 30 years where was an attack that players could pass back and forth to each other over and over again with each pass adding more speed and damage to the attack. You need both timing and good teamwork to get the full effect of the ability. But if done right it did massive amounts of damage, even to bosses. When someone asked or yelled something about tennis in chat, it what that team combo attack they was talking about.
Having that option could be good fun imagine this in enemy bases with bouncing attacks or directing stuff over cover, this reminds me of the science stuff with lights and mirrors

I also like the idea of shield formation they could have different formations including camo patterns to look as an example part of the environment such as an exotic plant or a little hill from a distance etc
Not only that could look fun when they split up so imagine if there is a team shield link up system
that lets you and a number of players around connect to form a shield formation.

The only thing is you probably won't be able to move for this example to keep the integrity of the shield strength. Once the shield link up is unlocked the players can disperse out for a surprise to get away or flank the sides etc

Using the gravity generators could be a game changer at the right time, i like the thought of various ways to go about this. Since some will be using such tech and others more traditional depending on the player or task.

Sometimes just to have a little snack surrounded by a shield and typing something is enjoyable .... unless it is far too long and the shield is gone and half the team then it is an oops moment!!
Likes: Omnires
Aug 14, 2016
I remember years ago playing a air battle MMO with different types of ships. In that game to help teams stay together (because not all ships could move and turn at the same speeds) on top having to worry about attacks from above and below the team leader had the option to set up flying formations. And the other members of the team would holograms of where to go to make the formation. When a teammate flies close enough to the leader or one of the holograms they a prompt to fly in the formation. If they pick yes the game will turn on their auto pilot and try to keep them in the formation relative to the team leader. The can still break formation any time they wanted. But until then the team leader was more or less in control of where they went. And if the leader was good at things like dodging or setting up ambushes this give the teammates more time to use abilities and weapons.

It was like how in some MMOs you can pick another player and tell your character to follow them so you'll always auto run after them. But way more complex as they did real flying formations and team leader could change the formation anytime they wanted. So your ship would always try to auto fly to place to keep the formation. It was a good system. Even more so on some missions as some people was bad at flying in tight spaces like cave and underground tunnels.
Likes: Pandagnome