Recent content by OrderedChaos

  1. O

    so whats up with ember

    It just feels like too much money is going into too many different things. We've got skins, artwork, and features that aren't needed right now. We don't want a board game or book, we want Firefall 2: Electric Boogaloo. I joined Firefall in the closed beta, and there weren't many things to do...
  2. O

    Expedite game production pls

    Gaming communities are talented. In every hundred gamers there is going to be someone with enough knowledge to be helpful. This seems to be truer the more niche the game is, as they aren't visited by the casual manchild crowd. If Crixa would freelance work out to the community, then things could...
  3. O

    Question about new shifter pack and bikes

    I see that a shifter pack has been added into the Newcomer Pack section. As an Ark Liege do I get the items in the pack as it is listed before me on the list? Just curious as some of the stuff in it is pretty cool. Also is there any way for those of us who missed the M3 milestone to get in on...