Recent content by Dam13n

  1. Dam13n

    so whats up with ember

    Having a very basic roof over your head, is a very different story, over having no roof over your head. A rudimentary game system, a basic treadmill, carrot and sink. Make it unlockable and it is a bare bones progression system. Not to be rude.... KISS. That is all. Show me where i am wrong...
  2. Dam13n

    so whats up with ember

    To theory craft a bit further on the idea of consumables in a demo build. Let's say four consumables. Fire rate/recharge rate on plasma cannon* recharge rate on jumpjets* extra damage extra HP *(See how i fix two birds here) The first two would only require materials, the second two would...
  3. Dam13n

    so whats up with ember

    Yeah, absolutely agree. Hey, i was right about horde vs boss encounter (see Helldivers 2).
  4. Dam13n

    NEW Em-8ER Build: "Dev Build UE5.3 New Copa Returns" 04/22/2024

    Meh, It feels small but it's good that under the hood things are probably easier to work with. Rifts are a fun addition, some extra stuff to do. As others have pointed out plasma still sucks (either up the recharge and fire rate or just old school Firefall version). Recharge rate on jumpjets...
  5. Dam13n

    so whats up with ember

    Dear lord... Give a man enough rope...
  6. Dam13n

    Ranting about Toxic Positivity + Attempted Heads Up about the Pretty Awful PR

    Just a thought. As it seemed you guys are working on your animation and improving motion capture for the demo. Could it be possible that as a reward for subscribers, emotes could be added, that could be added to the demo quicker, than full blown skins? Just to put something in their hands...
  7. Dam13n

    so whats up with ember

    As far as i can tell... At this point a larger update is planned to put more of the individual test assets they have been working on over the years together, in a more coherent, feature full demo. They are also working on the back end stuff, to ensure stability, performance and hopefully...
  8. Dam13n

    Ranting about Toxic Positivity + Attempted Heads Up about the Pretty Awful PR

    My advice is still the same as it has been for a while; Add craftable consumables (preferably in rarities and pretty powerful) now we got a treadmill. Add some basic dynamic events, deathsquads, kneebiters nests (preferably with a "feral" faction that also attacks other NPCs, so to recreate...
  9. Dam13n

    Another "game when?" + Focus Change Feedback Thread

    Imma bump this one more time. For almost a decade on the forums we have discussed item decay, in game economics, fun vs function, etc. If item decay is too spicy and consumables is too mild, is there a middle ground to be had? Is there a solution to this puzzle that might please, not...
  10. Dam13n

    Slow progress

    Yeah. Even smaller but regular builds would be fine. Like, "hey we tweaked the jumpjets, try it out and give us feedback". *nudge, nudge* "Hey, we tweaked gunplay a bit, what do you guys think?" *nudge nudge* "We added some basic deathsquads back in the game, just to give you guys some extra...
  11. Dam13n

    Improving communication

    From the content created side, there currently isn't enough cool and chaotic things to show. The gliding is pretty decent plus there are some fun, cool looking exploits with it (which for the moment im not sharing for obvious reasons XD) and you could make something with that but for the moment...
  12. Dam13n

    Improving communication

    Definitely agree with most of this. The no zero days is a good bite sized stopgap and for sure has an effect on the bleeding of potential interest but the audience is pretty small and feels more like the bare minimum. It is a good first step. The older youtube video vlogs from grummz were...
  13. Dam13n

    Boss battles and gate keeping.

    In a way i definitely agree that players should be able to play the game how they want but i also really liked the direction Firefall went in during 0.7, 0.8. Where every frame was OP in its own way. Bastions being the masters of AFK thumping, Firecat mobility and CC, Raptors being single target...
  14. Dam13n

    Another "game when?" + Focus Change Feedback Thread

    Probably best. Burnout happened rather quick for me too. A combination of things, mostly the wall of grind and for me personally that you cant really play it as a fun mindless "hack and slash" game unless you play Wingrave (healing tank), which is a missed opportunity, imo, because dashing...