Recent content by ChAzZ_NuT

  1. ChAzZ_NuT

    NEW Em-8ER Build: "Dev Build UE5.3 New Copa Returns" 04/22/2024

    I have attached a PDF, my feedback is included.
  2. ChAzZ_NuT

    Alone in the Storm

    Alone in the Storm: The Life of Theta Serpentis The shadier parts of the space station "H.O.M.E." Theta's apartment was run-down and cramped, but it was a roof over his head. He worked as a mechanic in one of the factories, fixing machines and tinkering with technology. He was skilled at his...
  3. ChAzZ_NuT

    State of the Lore

    I like the idea of the Enshigi being this entity that's always just out of reach, and every time the Gatestriders think they're grasping an idea of many unanswered questions surrounding them. Every time we come across a slither of evidence that the Enshigi still exist, they're already another 5...
  4. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    The cap's are very childish, and that's coming from ME. Yes, you are correct. We don't have a game where skins can be equipped yet. And when we do, we may be able to see the skin-filter function in action. And if this is a solution to a problem, then it may very well be a great one at that...
  5. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    That's not true, I literally just stated that I was initially against the idea. When more people join the community, there is always the chance that stuff which is currently in the conceptual stages may be changed. It is inevitable. If the function was going to have a blatant, seriously...
  6. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    The thing is Zingo, personally I don't see a problem with having it. Having listened to the proposed negatives so far. I actually started off leaning against the idea, having not made up my mind yet. But you and a few others changed my mind, now that I have a broader idea of the use case for...
  7. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    I disagree, the fact that this can simultaneously be used as a way to filter out stuff that may offend you for X,Y and Z. Without effecting others, is a valuable reason to have it. There are so many different cultures, religions, groups... people from all walks of life with different...
  8. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    Should we have skin-filtering? My personal reasons for and against; For; - Skins may be portrayed as offensive, sexual, immersion-breaking… etc This statement holds true for many different types of people, whether it is because of religion, age, or the ability to immerse oneself in a game. The...
  9. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    You're quitting over a skin-filter?
  10. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    Thanks for that summary, made things a lot more clear.
  11. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    That’s not true, there are opinions on both sides. You’re just over reacting, because you’re not getting your way. One of your more childish traits. And say hi to Giga for me. :) Also don’t throw around words like disrespect when you’re disrespectful to other people, it’s hypocritical. What is...
  12. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    Okay? So who is your friend? xD This is not FFXIV, and that is an opinion of many varying ones.
  13. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    - "The devaluation of people's time and money" - "Disrespect people's money" There are obviously different views on this, this is yours. Can you at least respect the fact that there are other opinions than your own? Which have been stated. - "Indirectly make Grummz a liar" Just because your...
  14. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    *bows* Now time for some tea. Thanks man.
  15. ChAzZ_NuT

    Discussion - The Skin Toggle Button

    Yeah makes sense. I hope it's not too much additional work for the devs, it sounds like the workload for these skins may be doubled. Personally, I've always seen games as a playground with rules. Here is the map, here are all the skins, here's what you can do... now do with it, what you...